frequently asked questions
Q and A: If you have a question that is not listed below please feel free to call us on 02 9231 1705 or 0403 095 371
1. do i need to make an appointment?
If you're happy with your bra and your body shape hasn't changed since your last fitting, we can take phone orders and post your new bra or prosthesis to you. Just phone/SMS us on 0403 095 371 or email us: [email protected]
2. how long does it take?
If it's your very first fitting for bras and breast prosthesis, allow about 45 minutes.
3. will you have my size or will you need to order it?
We have an extensive size range of pocketed bras and breast prosthesis in lots of styles and shapes, so in nearly every case you will walk out with you new breast prosthesis and bra - you may even like to wear it home!
4. how much does it cost?
We have a large range of breast prosthesis and bras and the prices vary depending on the style and the features and benefits of that product. Silicon breast prosthesis range in price from $400 - $530. Partial breast forms are less expensive - $180 - $220. Pocketed bras range in price from $49.95 - $170.
Please click on the following link to obtain information on the Medicare External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program.
A consulting fee of $50 will be charged at our CBD Sydney Breast Care Specialists Centre, in the event a fitting appointment does not result in a purchase in our store. However, rest assured that this fee can be applied as a credit towards any future purchase, within the next three months. For Quick Browsing or General Check-outs please visit out St Ives and Chatswood Boutiques, where no Consulting fees apply.
Please click on the following link to obtain information on the Medicare External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program.
A consulting fee of $50 will be charged at our CBD Sydney Breast Care Specialists Centre, in the event a fitting appointment does not result in a purchase in our store. However, rest assured that this fee can be applied as a credit towards any future purchase, within the next three months. For Quick Browsing or General Check-outs please visit out St Ives and Chatswood Boutiques, where no Consulting fees apply.
5. will my health fund pay for my bras?
We strongly recommend you ring or visit your health fund prior to coming in and ask them what you are entitled to this calendar year.
6. is there always a qualified fitter in the store?
Yes, at all times.
7. i've just had surgery - how long do i need to wait to be fitted?
6 - 8 weeks is a good guide - It's best to wait until all swelling has gone done so that your fitting is accurate.